Over the years I have become familiar with many resources that are free that can help people with troubling emotions. I described these briefly in this video:
Category: Uncategorized
Neurofunction harmfulness of overeating
7 Powerful Benefits of EMDR
The Pitfalls of Perfectionism
Earlier this week a client of mind told me how much it helped her to listen to a 20 yr old woman named Emma Chamberlain, who produces frequent podcasts about her personal experiences and has a huge following. My client said a podcast posted 12-2-21, “Getting Back on Track”, was particularly helpful to her. I was curious so listened to most of this podcast myself. Emma described how recently she had an “existential crisis” where she was wondering “what is the meaning of life…what makes life worth living..where do I go next? She had become so discouraged that she had stopped her good habits of meditation, home cooking, and limiting her time on social media. Emma then shares how she “got herself back on track.” I enjoyed Emma’s candor, honesty, sense of humor and bluntness.
How an affordable near infrared sauna can reduce anxiety, improve sleep, calm an overactive nervous system and increase peaceful feelings
At the beginning of 2020 I became interested in building my own near infrared sauna with the goal to clear heavy metals from my body. I watched you tube videos how to make your own but I felt I did not have the skills to do this. I debated investing in a professionally built sauna that would cost $1200 to $5000 but I was afraid either that it would not help or worse yet, that I would not sit still long enough to use it.
A friend recommended I study Dr Lawrence Wilson’s website to learn more about saunas. Dr Wilson writes “I cannot say enough good things about near infrared sauna therapy”. He recommends using the sauna with his “development program” that includes much rest, alkaline diet with lots of cooked veggies, gentle exercise, meditation, spinal twists, frequent coffee enemas and taking supplements as recommended from having a hair mineral test analysis.
Depression, Insomnia and Anxiety Can Be Caused by Heavy Metals
Five years ago chiropractor Dr Mindy Pelz, near San Fransico CA, learned she had a very high level of the heavy metal lead in her body. She had wondered why she had suddenly become very tired and weak even though she ate a healthy diet, exercised regularly, did meditation and enjoyed her work. Once she learned of her high lead level, she worked to lower it and then devised what she believes is the best way to help people detox heavy metals. Since then she said has helped thousands of people clear out these toxins.
Healing Emotions using Group Intention
In The Power of Eight, Lynn McTaggart describes 10 years of experiments that show group intention can heal individuals and reduce global problems. Sounds too good to be true? The results of her experiments and others who did similar research showed that groups that focus their intention on a specific result can effect positive change. But better yet, they report the people who did the intention exercises, found their lives improved in numerous ways.
Perfect Sleep Recipe
I have struggled with insomnia many years. I have tried many things, to no avail. I would like to share what has become my perfect recipe for good sleep.
I know EVERYONE IS SO DIFFERENT but I share these tips in case they would help you or a loved one. I have 2 other blog posts to help people sleep at night found: HERE
and HERE
Declutter to Improve Your Mood and Your Mind
The first time I heard about the power of decluttering was 17 years ago when I was listening to a course by author Sonia Choquette. She recommended getting rid of anything of all clutter as a requirement to improve our intuition. She shared when she purged herself of many material possessions she was able to hear her inner guidance better. I was inspired to clear out many of my possessions. This was to be the first of numerous purgings over the years.
How EMF’s Increase Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Poor Concentration, and What You Can Do About It
Over the years I had heard scary youtube videos about how harmful EMF’s (Electromagnetic Frequencies) could be but I conveniently put these warnings out of my mind. Besides, I thought, they are all around us, what can we do anyways? A few months ago I heard an interview Dr Mercola did on EMF’s. (here) It made me pause. He recommended a book called The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF’s by Nicolas Pineault.
I did not think I was that sensitive to EMF’s. I have a couple friends who could not walk under power lines or use laptops due to their EMF sensitivity. Another friend noted her hand hurts if she uses her Ipad too long. Thinking about the Mercola interview, it occurred to me that although my life has become less stressful in the last 5 years, I have had worse insomnia. I recalled at night feeling I was “wired”, as if electricity or some kind of energy was running through my body preventing me from sleeping. I wondered if this was partly caused by EMF’s. I did an experiment to turn off my wi-fi and the breaker for electricity for my bedroom at night. I felt more peaceful. I thought, “I think I am on to something”.