How EMF’s Increase Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Poor Concentration, and What You Can Do About It

Over the years I had heard scary youtube videos about how harmful EMF’s (Electromagnetic Frequencies) could be but I conveniently put these warnings out of my mind. Besides, I thought, they are all around us, what can we do anyways? A few months ago I heard an interview Dr Mercola did on EMF’s. (here) It made me pause. He recommended a book called The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF’s by Nicolas Pineault.

I did not think I was that sensitive to EMF’s. I have a couple friends who could not walk under power lines or use laptops due to their EMF sensitivity. Another friend noted her hand hurts if she uses her Ipad too long.  Thinking about the Mercola interview, it occurred to me that although my life has become less stressful in the last 5 years, I have had worse insomnia. I recalled at night feeling I was “wired”, as if electricity or some kind of energy was running through my body preventing me from sleeping. I wondered if this was partly caused by EMF’s. I did an experiment to turn off my wi-fi and the breaker for electricity for my bedroom at night. I felt more peaceful. I thought, “I think I am on to something”.

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