How Fasting Can Reduce Anxiety and Depression


I am always looking for additional ways to help my clients reduce their depression and anxiety using natural methods. I have been hearing lately how beneficial fasting is to one’s health. I was impressed what I learned about water fasting in a documentary called “The Science of Fasting”. You can watch the documentary here.

(Note: I would not advise anyone to go on a water fast over a day without supervision from a health practitioner and preparation of shorter fasts with a clean diet.)

The documentary starts in the Soviet Union at the Therapeutic and Health Clinic in Sibera, Russia,  where over 10,000 people have received treatment from 1972 to 2012. They are still open.  This center uses water fasting, the most difficult kind of fasting there is. They admit it can be a difficult experience especially the first 3 days when people experience acidosis. After the first week, the staff said the fasting usually gets easier.  (I believe they glossed over how hard it can be according to other people’s experiences I have read about.)

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